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  • 24/7 Emergency Care-Call Us Today! 044-4644 8989 / +91-75500 53335

Radiology is the branch of medicine that uses X-rays and other radiations to treat and diagnose the diseases. Murugan Hospitals offers 24/7 imaging services particularly Digital X- Rays . This is the original and most commonly used form in the diagnostic imaging. Imaging produced shows the structures within the body which absorbs more X-rays particularly bones.

When to Avoid:

X-rays are generally not recommended for pregnant women as it may cause harm to the unborn child. However, for a normal person, the amount of radiation generated during an x-ray procedure is too low to cause any damage to the cells in their body.

How to prepare:

Patients are required to remove any jewellery and clothes that may interfere with the x-ray image

Wear a gown to cover yourself depending on the area being examined

Follow the instructions given by the doctor before the examination; you may have to remain still and hold your breath to avoid blurring of the image

For a young child, restraints or other techniques may be used to keep him/her still to prevent blurring of the image and also to prevent the child from the radiation